Website Modules

Seven to Win developed modules to give you control over your website and the types of content that customers want to see. Use of these modules requires no knowledge of coding or HTML. Simply fill out form fields and the content is added to your site and formatted to look professional.

Read on to learn more about our modules.

Module 1 screenshot
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Customer Reviews

People read reviews before hiring a contractor.

That's why it's extremely important to have reviews on your website. Our customer reviews module allows you to pick your best customer reviews and display them directly on your site. You can choose the ones you want to appear on your homepage, while the rest are displayed on a dedicated reviews page. You can also add links that make it easy for customers you've just completed a job for to leave you a review.

Module 3 screenshot
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Sales Promotions

Promote sales or special offers to entice your customers.

People like to save money, so offering a special discount package or sale price can convince an undecided customer to contact you. Our sales promotions module allows you to add deals to your website at any time. You can set them to pop up when a visitor arrives on your site or just feature them on your price page. You can also choose a start and stop date for limited time specials. Set it, forget it, and it will appear on your site between those dates.

Module 4 screenshot
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Make it easy for mobile users to contact you.

More than 50% of people using the internet are doing so on a mobile device. Our click to call module makes it easy for these users to contact you. In the module settings, add your phone or mobile number and select the options to enable calling, texting, or both. On mobile devices, click-to-call and/or click-to-text buttons will display at the bottom of the screen, allowing mobile users to call or text you by pushing a single button at any time.

Module 5 screenshot
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Alert Bar

Display an important message to your visitors.

The alert bar displays prominently at the very top of your site and is useful for getting your visitors' attention when you have something important to announce. You can use it to display an important message, announce a closing due to severe weather, share a link, or promote a special. You can set the alert bar to appear on all pages or just on the homepage.

Module 6 screenshot
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Price Table

Keep your prices up to date.

Depending on your particular service industry, you may choose to list prices on your website. If you do, our price table module allows you to keep your price page up to date. You can easily add service categories, individual services within each category, descriptions, and the prices. The prices are displayed on your price page which also includes a call to action button that allows customers to request your services by pushing a single button.

Module 7 screenshot
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Frequently Asked Questions

A busy contractor doesn't have time to respond to every email.

As a contractor who works hard on the job all day, you don't have time to respond to emails asking the same questions over and over. However, ignoring emails may send a customer who feels jilted straight to your competitors. You can avoid this problem by answering the most commonly asked questions about your services and industry using the frequently asked questions module. This module helps limit the emails that make it to your inbox to serious business inquiries only.

Module 8 screenshot
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Search engines like to see fresh content on websites.

Since our websites are built on WordPress, you can easily create blog posts. Our templates display your latest posts on the homepage, while the rest are shown on a separate blog page. Posting links to your blog posts on social media will increase your website's visibility and boost traffic. Blogging can also help with search engine optimization in that search engines prefer sites that are updated intermittently. You can write about a recent project or offer helpful maintenance tips to your customers.